Healthy Living Challenge 2024

How can the high school environment be conducive to students' mental well-being?

Healthy Living Challenge 2024

Dates: Wednesday, May 29 and Wednesday, June 5, 2024

In collaboration with NUOVO schools, Leidsche Rijn College, Health Hub Utrecht coalition Mental resilience youth (Lokalis, KOOS Utrecht and municipality of Vijfheerenlanden in collaboration with Garage2020), HKU, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht Challenge Alliance 

Why this challenge?

Almost half of students in the Netherlands feel stressed at school on a regular basis. This is evident from several surveys. Part of the solution in strengthening young people's mental resilience could lie with the school environment. But how can the high school environment be conducive to mental well-being, so that students suffer less from performance pressure, for example? During this challenge, you will work with other students, experts and students on this question.

With the ZIEN campaign NUOVO schools want to stimulate the conversation about mental health at school. In this video, six diverse duos consisting of students, teachers, OOPs, parents and school leaders talk to each other about a variety of topics, such as: superpowers, self-image, vulnerability and courage. The main message? It all starts with seeing each other.

Why you?

Perhaps you recognize this yourself from yourself or people around you and have ideas on how the school can contribute to the mental health of students.

Therefore, we would like to hear from you how you think the high school environment can be conducive to mental well-being for young people.

Why sign up?

During this challenge, you will explore with other students, experts and students in what ways the high school environment can be conducive to student mental well-being.

In the challenge, you get started:

  • In a team with students from mbo, college and university(all Utrecht students can participate)
  • With the latest insights on mental health and learn more about design thinking and concept development
  • With the organizations and the field working for mental well-being of young people
  • With creative ideas that you can continue working on after the challenge (think an internship, thesis or your own business)

What's the outcome?

At the end of the challenge, you will present your ideas to the organizations involved at Health Hub Utrecht and NUOVO schools.

NUOVO schools and Health Hub Utrecht will try to advance and try out the most valuable useful ideas.

Sign up for participation

If you would like to join the Healthy Living Challenge 2024 (or have any questions) please indicate so using the form below!

    About the Healthy Living Challenge

    The first edition of the Healthy Living Challenge in 2018 was organized by Centre of Expertise U CREATE, under the banner of the (then City Deal) Health Hub Utrecht. The newly established Utrecht Challenge Alliance (City Deal Kennis Maken) supported in the design and organization of the challenge.  
    Later editions on mental well-being students (2021, during the pandemic) and healthy growing up (2022, including GROZ Utrecht) followed. 

    During the Healthy Living Challenge 2024, students from different educational institutions and programs (interdisciplinary and multi-level) work together in a short period of time to solve health issues in the Utrecht region. They work together with residents and professionals. The challenge process is set up as a design process, using the 'design thinking' method. 

    At the end of the challenge, the student teams present their ideas to the organizations involved, including Health Hub Utrecht. For the most valuable useful ideas, they examine how to take them further and try them out. 

    In cooperation with

    Healthy Living Challenge 2024

    Dates: Wednesday, May 29 and Wednesday, June 5, 2024

    In cooperation with: NUOVO schools, Leidsche Rijn College, Health Hub Utrecht coalition Mental resilience youth (Lokalis, KOOS Utrecht and municipality of Vijfheerenlanden in collaboration with Garage2020), Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and Utrecht University.

    Sign up until May 27!


    Utrecht Challenge Alliance

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